Design Your Offers – Help
Q&A Recording
Help Topics
This section will grow so please make sure to check back if you have a question and haven’t been back in a while.
How much should I give away in my Optin Freebie? I am concerned about giving away too much.
It is very difficult to give away too much information to the point where you sabotage people buying your paid offers. Information is everywhere. What people really need is customised guidance relevant for their situation and being saved the pain of doing the work themselves.
If you do give them lots of information you risk overwhelming them. Ideally your optin freebie should contain enough information to help people, but not overwhelm them. They should feel helped, and further ahead than where they were and still curious to find out more. If you give people too much information they just won’t read it, watch it, take it in etc and then the point was lost and it would have been time consuming for you to create.
Think helpful, action-oriented consumable information.
Do I have to create an Optin Freebie?
Ultimately it is not completely necessary to have an optin freebie to run a successful online business. It will certainly help grow your email list later on but it won’t get in the way of you getting paying clients through Ignition. So if you are getting really stuck here move ahead without it and you can revisit it later.
Why do you ask us to do the layout of the optin freebie here and then not create it until the 5. Everything Website Building Stage?
The reason I ask you to choose an optin freebie now is because if possible it’s good to have a natural flow from the optin freebie to your paid offers. That’s why you choose it now, but actually don’t need to create it (if you are making one) until you are putting your website together and you want to integrate it into your website.
Do I have to do a Starter Offer? Or, I am concerned about being priced too low…
Prepare for my rant on premium pricing for newbies!
When you are new I recommend having a Starter Offer – a relatively low cost entry offer that offers customers a tangible result – because it enables clients to try you out without having to consult their spouse, start a new savings account or do any major financial rearrangements. They can step into a business relationship with you and not risk too much money. Once you have a website later on people will likely buy this straight from your site. Then if they like you they’ll continue. Using this construct, as a new business, you’ll get more clients. At the beginning of a business you want to get clients asap in order to keep your flow and confidence levels and to get money in the door.
If you are concerned about your prices being too “low” remember this is a temporary situation and I don’t recommend low, I recommend reasonable. Once you have had a couple of clients put your prices up. I find people do better in business if they make it easier on their nerves and sell at reasonable prices to start off with before getting into premium pricing.
I have seen many people try to go with premium pricing as a new business and what happens if they have to work much harder to get sales and get discouraged. Your pricing needs to reflect your expertise and experience. If this business is new you are unlikely to going to be able to go to the top of the price range. That’s not to say it never happens. I encourage you to make it easier on yourself and have a Starter Offer and an Upsell Offer and raise your prices when you’ve had clients and you feel ready to charge more.
Later on, when you have regular clients you won’t need a Starter Offer and you definitely want to remove it. But if you are new, it’s a path to more clients.
Can I sell people straight into my upsell or larger offer?
Of course. If they want a larger package and are ready to invest in that then yes absolutely. When you speak to people (next Building Stage) you always offer them what is most appropriate to their situation. In general a larger offer means a bigger transformation so I would lean towards the larger package when you have people in a call if that is a fit for them.
In general you don’t want to have to have a sales conversation to sell the smaller offer. Once your site is up people can purchase it straight from your site. Before you have your site up offer them what feels most appropriate.
In my industry the starting price is generally over the $200 you spoke about for a Starter Offer. What do I do?
I would recommend still creating an offer that is in the style of a Starter Offer – meaning it is the first meaningful result a client can get with you. Set the price point at whatever is appropriate for your industry and try it. You can always change if you need to.